
4 月 3, 2018

The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival

The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival 2018 Cannes –  a glamorous and expensive seaside town considered to be one of the social hubs of Europe. Its moment to shine arrives in May as the venue for the Cannes Film Festival, entertaining the rich and famous. During the festival, fans can see actors, celebrities, and directors up close and in person on the famous steps of the Palais des Festivals at the end of La Croisette. The 71st annual Cannes Film Festival is scheduled to be held from 8 to 19 May 2018. The opening will therefore take place on the evening of Tuesday, 8th May and [...]
3 月 8, 2018

Baby on board

Air travel during pregnancy can be a source of increased anxiety for pregnant women. Airlines do not allow pregnant women to travel during 3rd trimester of pregnancy and some of them have an ever stricter non-flying policy beyond 20 weeks. It is better to check with your airline on this subject. Provided that the pregnancy is without complications there is no evidence whatsoever that air travel can be harmful for pregnant women or their babies. As such, the risks and the precautions do not differ from the ones in the general population. The major concerns are the changes in the [...]
12 月 14, 2016

Is my flight legal?

With thousands of flights taking place every day, one of the most important issues that are raised are those that have to do with safety and security. Is my flight legal? A question you must alway ask! Why? Because there are serious safety and legal implications involved if the operator of your charter flight is not entitled to conduct commercial operations.