
mars 12, 2019

Is one pilot greater than two?

Aviation evolves and some things that were deemed as necessary are no longer needed. Regulations tend to lag behind technological developments, so it often takes time before capabilities are implemented, even when it is technically possible. Other times the paradigm is what lags and old methods stay because of public reception. The next in commercial aviation evolution will be the epoch when commercial flights only have one pilot in the cockpit, instead of today’s standard of two. But to make this a reality some technical and social hurdles need to be overcome. While two pilots in the cockpit are the […]
mars 12, 2019

Fly to the 2019 Cannes Film Festival Award Ceremony

Cannes –  a glamorous and expensive seaside town considered to be one of the social hubs of Europe. Its moment to shine arrives in May as the venue for the Cannes Film Festival, entertaining the rich and famous. During the festival, fans can see actors, celebrities, and directors up close and in person on the famous steps of the Palais des Festivals at the end of La Croisette.
mars 4, 2019

50 years ago, the maiden flight of the Concorde

Sometime around 1955, the first lines of a supersonic commercial plane were put on paper on both sides of the English Channel. For France and the United Kingdom, the objective was not to fall behind the United States in the aviation market. In France, Sud Aviation (later Aerospatiale, EADS and now Airbus) and Générale Aéronautique Marcel Dassault (today known as Dassault Aviation) used their respective knowledge of commercial and supersonic aviation to come up with a design. The “Caravelle” of Sud Aviation was already an iconic figure in the market. As for Dassault, it had already envisioned the idea of […]
février 8, 2019

Wheelchairs on a Private Jet

We are often asked a question if people can travel on a Private Jet on a wheelchair, and the answer is definitely YES. The Private Jet charter flight can be arranged for the passengers travelling in a wheelchair and for the those with the reduced mobility. The commercial airlines flights are very difficult or even impossible for this people. The smallest private aircrafts may not have enough space for the wheelchair, but starting from mid-size jets, as Citation XLS for example, there are plenty of space in the aircraft’s cabin. Our Team had an experience of arranging private jet flights for passengers […]