
Moldova is a small land-locked country in Eastern Europe, north of the Balkans, surrounded by Romania to the southwest, across the Prut river, and Ukraine to the northeast.
The capital of Moldova is Chișinău. The local language is Romanian, based on the Latin alphabet, but Russian is widely used. Moldova is a multi-ethnic republic that has suffered from violent ethnic conflict. In 1990 the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic in eastern Moldova declared independence and a civil war was fought during the first half of 1992. A ceasefire was declared and Transnistria has maintained de facto independence with its own government and currency but is not recognized by any other country. Economic links have been re-established between these two parts of Moldova despite failure in political negotiations. The major religion in Moldova is Orthodox Christian.

Moldova’s population is occupied mainly in food production and processing. Once known as “the garden” of the Soviet Union, Moldova has now lost most of its traditional Russian markets for agricultural products and is exploring new international markets.

Capital Chişinău
Government republic
Currency Moldovan leu (MDL)
Area 33,843km²
Population 4,455,421 (July 2006 est.)
Language Romanian (official), Russian, Gagauz (a Turkish dialect)
Religion Eastern Orthodox 98%, Jewish 1.5%, Baptist and other 0.5%
Electricity 230V/50Hz (European plug)
Country code +373
Internet TLD .md
Time Zone UTC+2

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The world is finally waking up to the charms of this little nation wedged between Romania and Ukraine. Famously dubbed the world’s least happy place in a bestselling book almost a decade ago, Moldova is increasingly known more for its unspoiled countryside and superb wine tours.

As one of Europe’s least visited countries, Moldova retains a certain off-the-beaten-track charm. But even that’s changing as budget flights from London and other European cities make the lively capital, Chişinău, a popular weekend break. Meanwhile, those looking to plant the flag in a land few others have visited still have their Shangri-La in the form of the breakaway republic of Transdniestr, where the Soviet Union still reigns supreme.


