Exploring the world in 60 flights – Las Coloradas, Mexico

Exploring the world in 60 flights – Las Coloradas, Mexico

10. Las Coloradas, Mexico

The pink lakes of Las Coloradas in Yucatán, Mexico are truly a stunning natural wonder. The unique coloration of the water, caused by the high salinity and microorganisms, creates a surreal and picturesque landscape that is sure to leave visitors in awe. Coupled with the soft white sands and blue skies, it’s a sight that seems almost too beautiful to be real.

Visiting these pastel lagoons is definitely a must-do if you’re in the Tulum or Cancún area. The vibrant colors are most striking under the bright midday sun, so timing your visit for the early afternoon is recommended. Opting for a full-day tour from nearby destinations like Cancun, Playa del Carmen, or Riviera Maya can enhance your experience by including a visit to the Ria Lagartos nature reserve. Here, you can observe diverse wildlife such as flamingos and crocodiles in their natural habitat, adding another layer of wonder to your trip.

Overall, a visit to the pink lakes of Las Coloradas promises a magical experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Yucatán’s natural landscapes. It’s an adventure well worth taking for those seeking a unique and unforgettable travel experience.

Our experienced Team will organize your perfect Private Jet flight to Cancún International Airport from every place in the world.  Contact us 24/7 to start your incredible jorney to explore the best places in the world by 60 flights.
