أبريل 2019

أبريل 20, 2019

Five myths about private jets

If you’ve ever spotted a private jet in flight or on the tarmac, you’ve probably wondered which celebrity it belonged to. The fact is that many jets are chartered, not privately owned by a fat cat or pop star, and they’re mostly used for business, not lavish vacations. It’s a world shrouded in mystery, so here are five myths about private jets. More on USA Today
أبريل 19, 2019

The Biggest Private Jet Stories For 2019 Predicted

Private jets were already in the news this year when reports that as many as 1,500 would descend on the World Economic Forum in Davos drove a number of stories highlighting one of the agenda items was global warming. We asked a variety of leaders from business aviation what they believe will be the biggest headlines for the industry in 2019. Answers ranged from green fuel and alternatively powered aircraft to Brexit, China, the pilot shortage, new models, a tightening market of used aircraft available for sale, the government shutdown, consolidation, shared charters, the cost of capital, technology, weather and regulations that could ground older jets. Here’s what these […]
أبريل 10, 2019

5 Expert Recommendations For Your First Private Jet Trip

The appeal of private jet travel can’t be ignored: a luxurious and peaceful flight, a large network of easily-accessible airports, quiet terminals, no long waits or long lines, reliable departure times and a wide range of charter services. For many years, enjoying such privileges, came at a high price. More at https://www.aworldtotravel.com/expert-recommendations-for-your-first-private-jet-trip/
أبريل 5, 2019

Some history on the Jet Aircraft

Whereas the engines in propeller-powered aircraft generally achieve their maximum efficiency at much lower speeds and altitudes, jet engines and aircraft achieve maximum efficiency (see specific impulse) at speeds close to or even well above the speed of sound. Jet aircraft generally cruise at faster than about Mach 0.8 (609 mph, 981 km/h or 273 m/s) at altitudes around 10,000–15,000 metres (33,000–49,000 ft) or more. Frank Whittle, an English inventor and RAF officer, developed the concept of the jet engine in 1928,[1] and Hans von Ohain in Germany developed the concept independently in the early 1930s. He wrote in February 1936 to Ernst Heinkel, who led the construction of the world’s first turbojet aircraft and jet plane Heinkel He 178. However, […]